Employee Policy

Employee Policy for Azure & Lavender,

1. Dress Code Policy:

a. For women, clothing options could include blouses, button-up shirts, dresses, skirts, slacks, and dress shoes. Shorts, leggings, and t-shirts would not be allowed as part of the dress code. Skirts and dresses should be no more than 3 inches above the knee. Jewelry should be understated, and visible tattoos or piercings (other than ear piercings) should be covered.
b. For men, clothing options could include collared shirts, dress pants, and dress shoes. Jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers would not be allowed as part of the dress code. Visible tattoos or piercings (other than ear piercings) should be covered.
c. In general, the dress code policy specifies that employees should dress in a professional, business-casual manner that reflects the image and style of the Azure & Lavender boutique.
d. The dress code policy also specifies that employees are expected to maintain good hygiene and grooming standards, such as keeping their hair clean and styled and avoiding strong fragrances or colognes.
e. The consequences for violating the dress code policy, such as a verbal warning or written notice, and the procedure for addressing dress code violations with employees.

2. Attendance Policy:

a. The attendance policy includes that employees are expected to arrive at work on time and be ready to start their shift at the designated time. Employees who are more than 5 minutes late without prior notification may be considered tardy.
b. The procedure for requesting time off, such as giving at least two weeks' notice and filling out a time-off request form. Requests for time off should be submitted to the employee's manager, who will review the request and notify the employee of the decision.
c. Employees who need to take time off unexpectedly should notify their manager as soon as possible, preferably before the start of their shift. The consequences for unexcused absences or excessive absenteeism will result in disciplinary action and termination.
d. Employees who are absent from work due to illness or injury may be required to provide a doctor's note or other documentation to support their absence.
e. Handling late arrivals or early departures, such as requiring employees to notify their manager in advance and make up the missed time if possible.
f. For the importance of attendance and punctuality for the smooth operation of the boutique, attendance will be tracked and monitored.

3. Customer Service Policy:

a. The importance of providing excellent customer service to all customers, employees should greet every customer who enters the store in a friendly and professional manner.
b. Inquiries, such as answering questions about products or assisting with sizing and fit, should be done in a professional and friendly manner.
c. Handling customer complaints, such as apologizing and offering a solution to the problem. Employees should always remain calm and professional when dealing with upset customers.
d. It's encouraged for employees to build positive relationships with customers, by remembering their names and preferences and offering personalized service.
e. Handling difficult situations, such as dealing with shoplifters or customers who are behaving inappropriately in the store, should be reported to the manager immediately and to law enforcement.
f. Handling customer feedback, it is encouraged for employees to ask for feedback and suggestions from customers and use this feedback to improve the customer experience.
g. Every customer should be treated with respect and courtesy, regardless of their age, gender, race, or background.
h. Customer service will be measured and evaluated, through customer surveys and reviews. Customer service performance will be rewarded and recognized.

4. Social Media Policy:

a. Employees should not post any content on social media that could harm the boutique's reputation or disclose confidential information about the boutique or its customers.
b. Appropriate use of social media during work hours, is limited to personal social media use on break times or outside of work hours.
c. Employees should not engage in any negative or inflammatory discussions on social media that could reflect poorly on the boutique.
d. The consequences for violating the social media policy will be a verbal warning and written notice, and the procedure for addressing social media violations with employees.
e. Employees are encouraged to use social media to promote the boutique's products and services, but only positively and professionally.
f. Any social media posts related to the boutique should be approved by a designated manager before posting to ensure they align with the boutique's branding and messaging.
g. The appropriate use of personal social media accounts when discussing the boutique or its products, such as making it clear that any opinions expressed are the employee's own and not necessarily those of the boutique.
h. Employees are encouraged to use social media responsibly and in a way that reflects positively on both themselves and the boutique.

5. Employee Privacy Policy:

a. The personal information that the boutique collects from employees, such as contact information, payroll information, and emergency contact information is kept confidential and can be used with law enforcement.
b. The information will be used and stored in a secure physical file cabinet, and only the owner can access that information.
c. Employees can update their personal information, as well as how their personal information will be deleted or removed from the boutique's records by contacting the owner.
d. The circumstances under which the boutique may disclose employee personal information to comply with legal requirements or to provide necessary information to a third-party provider, such as a payroll provider.
e. Employees have the right to request access to their personal information and to know how it is being used, stored, and disclosed.
f. The consequences for violating the employee privacy policy, such as disciplinary action or termination, and the procedure for addressing privacy violations with employees.
g. The boutique's commitment to protecting employee privacy and maintaining the confidentiality of personal information, as well as complying with applicable laws and regulations related to privacy and data protection.

6. Two-week Notice Policy:

a. Employees should provide a two-week notice if they intend to resign from their position.
b. The notice should be provided in writing and submitted to the employee's supervisor or manager.
c. The benefits of providing a two-week notice, are maintaining a positive relationship with the boutique and allowing time for a smooth transition.
d. The consequences of not providing a two-week notice will be a negative impact on future job opportunities. Reference will not be provided.
e. Employees are encouraged to communicate openly with their supervisor or manager regarding their intentions to resign and to provide feedback on how the boutique can improve their work environment or policies.
f. The procedure for addressing resignations and ensuring a smooth transition, such as identifying a replacement or reallocating the departing employee's tasks.
g. The importance of maintaining a positive and professional relationship with the boutique and colleagues, even after resigning, as they may serve as references or potential business connections in the future.

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